- C O U R S E - 

The Brand Aesthetic Blueprint: from overwhelm to beautifully branded


In this course, you will go from clueless + overwhelmed to feeling confident in your ability to execute a strong, cohesive, visual brand identity for yourself + your business.

Put Me On The Wait List
Done For You Branding

Having a complete + thoughtfully designed visual brand identity can transform your marketing and make a huge impact on your confidence in your business, your connection with your audience, and ultimately, your business growth.


Brand Me
 Interior Design

An interior is the natural projection of the soul.


| C O M I N G  S O O N |

Interior Design Deets

Cathryn is a creative genius.

Iana Crump

Brooke Fierro

I can’t recommend Cathryn enough. Her creative vision and dedication are top-notch.

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

Working with Cathryn has been an absolute game-changer..

Samantha Minuta


from me to YOU! 

Capture the Colors 

How to Pull Specific Colors from your Favorite Photos & Use Them In Your Visual Branding

Grab the step-by-step tutorial that will have you pulling stand-out colors from your favorite images to use anywhere & everywhere in your business. 

Grab the FREE GUIDE below 👇🏻!

Let's Do This!!

Unlock the Power of Color Psychology

for Your Small Business

Did you know, you can create connection with your right audience by leveraging the power of color psychology + selecting colors that enhance your desired brand perception?

Click below 👇🏻 to receive a complete breakdown on color psychology + curate beautiful imagery that converts for your small business.
Get the FREE Guide!


The Brand Aesthetic Blueprint:

from chaos to beautifully branded.

 |  C O U R S E : C O M I N G  S O O N |


Want to take your small business to the next level?

Well, that involves a strong visual brand identity. 


Don't miss the chance to learn the essentials for a strong visual brand identity without the overwhelm in this self-paced, action-packed course.

Get on the list to stay in the loop! Space is LIMITED!!